Welcome to the Esthetic 3D printing WWW site by Retron Print.
Filament selection
Chose right filament for right job.
Chose a right colour combination.
Use accent colour.
Avoid to many vivid colours
Chose filaments with particles to blend layer lines.
Chose good quality filament. Prusament. better shrinking,
Avoid boring filaments.
Filament Drying
Filament calibration
Temperature Tower
Flow multiplier
Pressure advance calibration
Create custom filament preset for every filament.
Modeling Guides
Shrinking compensation
Bridges (avoid)
Use custom Brims
Think about hiding seams
Urzywaj płynnych przejść pomiędzy ścianami a płaskimi powierzchniami. Zredukujesz w ten sposób widoczną warstwę w miejscu odciencia powierzchni.
Avoid low angle surfaces. In top surface it will produce ugly really visible layer lines. (In some cases this layer lines can be a feature)
Model parts with printer orientation in mind.
Infil angle
Seam position
Complete individual objects
use 3 peremeters or more
Use small layer size 0,15mm
Textured / Smooth plate
Use right plate for right surface
Plate preparation
Use liquid glue and sponge. Aboid klej w sztyfcie.
In case of PLA it will stick much better on smooth and on textured plate.
In case of PETg it will relese much better
Printer preparation
Make a cold pull before every major print
Cleen printhead. Old melted filaments can drip into your model. Use steel brush and paper towel on heated printhead.